• The WakeUp – Newborn Photography project was launched in 2013 with a very distinct goal: to share the knowledge we’ve acquired througout the latest years and thus help other professionals progress in such a particular and challenging photography category. After organizing 26 classroom courses, hundreds of DVD sales and reaching over 650 people, we continue to plan even more and even better training iniatives.

    The WakeUp training course is available in three modules, here presented in order of specificity:
    Begin, a key input to a correct approach to newborn photography;
    Perfect, a more advanced stage of training, with strongly practical contents and demonstrations;
    Specificy, a training module where the contents are defined by the needs of the student.
    Each one of these modules are available in different forms and we’re working to have the digital forms available in english – find out right away which one of these solutions suits you the best!


    The background of José Cruz in photography started over 20 years ago. He has always worked in portrait photography, a category in which he has become a Photography Specialist (2011, AFP). But his true passion was found once he started photographing newborns and after 8 years of dedication he achieved the recognition from the audience and from his professional colleagues – in Portugal with the distinction of Master Photographer (2012, AFP) and internationally with the QEP and Master QEP certificates (2012, FEP). More recently, he has invested in Neurolinguistic Programming and Coaching (Certified Practitioner, 2013, ITANLP), with the ambition of becoming a better coach and a better communicator.

  • The first training module details all the necessary information for a correct approach to newborn photography: from studio conditions and equipment requirements to crucial safety and hygiene precautions; from setup arrangements and posing preparation to image capture and elementary post-production.


    8H TRAINING | price of the course available upon request
    At the Workshop WakeUp | Iniciar we share for 8h all of the aspects of our strategy, from the most technical to most pondered, and we demonstrate the set up of all support equipment and scenarios and some post-production exercises. Throughout this Workshop we always encourage the group discussion and the exchange of experiences between all participants. UPCOMING DATES: November 25th and 27th (Oporto and Lisbon).

    WakeUp DVD

    4H TRAINING + 2 SLIDESHOWS | 159$ (international shipping not included)
    The WakeUp DVD presents the video recording of one of our latest workshops. We’re talking about 4h of video content distributed in 19 chapters and 2 portfolio slideshows. With this DVD you can have permanent access to this working strategy and you’ll be able to evolve your learning process at your own pace and convenience. BUY NOW: To order your DVD, you just need to send us an e-mail ( with your name and address and further instructions will be sent to you rapidly.

    WakeUp Online

    This module is also available at Udemy in the form of online course – in this Udemy course you will get access to 4h of video content, informative slides and a list of resources. You will also be able to test your progress through evaluation exercises, to get your questions answered by the coach and to extend your course access upon renewal. HOW TO SIGN UP: Click here and start learning!


    A. Client contact
    B. Studio and equipments
    Support material
    Ambiance (temperature and sound)
    Props and setups
    Image capture
    C. Hygiene and safety
    D. Baby
    E. Planning the session
    A. Beginning of the session
    Arriving to the studio
    Setting up the baby
    B. Session sequences
    Capture sequence
    – Calming the baby
    – Preparing the pose
    – Composition, framing
    and perspective
    Posing sequence
    Setup sequence
    A. Post-production
    Basic correction techniques
    Selective color correction
    Composite images
    B. Delivery
  • The second training module consists of strongly practical contents – a newborn photography session and advanced post-production exercises – and is exclusively designed towards demonstrating and explaining each and every step of our approach.


    8H TRAINING | price of the course upon request*
    In the form of Workshop, this module is divided into 4h of a newborn photography session and 4h of advanced post-production. During the sessions, the trainees can see from up-close every step of the session and capture their own images for portfolio purposes. Afterwards, each trainee can work with these images according to our most detailed post-production process e select their favorite shot for printing in Fine Art paper. Once this training module is a more demanding stage, the admission will be limited by a few requirements regarding newborn photography experience of the trainee.

    WakeUp DVD

    We are currently planning the conversion of the Aperfeiçoar module to DVD.

    WakeUp Online

    We are currently planning the conversion of the Aperfeiçoar module to an online course. 

  • The third training module relates to exclusive and individual training events. In this coaching initiatives, goals, location and duration are defined according to the trainee’s needs and availability, in order for him to overcome precise difficulties and to help him define an appropriate strategy for him to optimize his time and effort. Depending on the settled goals, these initiatives may result in in-person training programs or Skype sessions.

    If you have a really specific goal you’d like to achieve or distinct problem you can’t overcome, contact us and request a quote.

  • For any information related to training events or products, send us your questions by e-mail.
